Android Jetpack and Android Architecture Components are a collection of libraries and tools for building robust and easy-to-maintain applications
Student Targets and Goals:
- This class is intended for Android Developers who want to improve their skills to create applications using the Android Architecture Component.
- This class is designed for developers who are familiar with Android app fundamentals, such as Activities, Fragments, Intents, and Navigation.
- At the end of class, students can build applications by deploying the Jetpack component on the Android Architecture Component.
Movie Catalouge is Study Case for passing jetpack pro class. This has 3 submission, which we build 3 app which add the requirment with Retains previous features. so here detail from each submission:
Submission 1 - Architecture Component
1. I Implement Component Architecture ViewModel.
2. Impelement Unit Test and also create Instrumentation Test
Submission 2 - Repository dan LiveData
1. using Repository pattern
2. Impelement Unit Test To Repository Class
3. Using LiveData
4. Implement Unit testing to ViewModel and Live data
5. Implement Idling resource for handle asynchronus proses on instrumental testing.
Submission 3 Final - Manage Data
1. Room for database transaction(can CRUD favorite films)
2. Pagination for mapping data that will show on application
3. do Unit test and Instumentation Test