Mobile - Vaccine Kit

Github User Application. Learn Android App Fundamental- Mobile Development Subject - Bangkit Academy.

Github User App is Study Case theme as submission from what we already learn from this class. There are 3 submission for this class.

Submission 1 - Github User Application

Here we need to fill this submission criteria :
1. Show data using RecyclerView
2. use ConstraintLayout to arrange view of list item
3.We Also show detail user. USe parcelable as interface from data object that will be send between activity.

Submission 2 - Implement Navigation and API

Here we need to fill this submission criteria :
1. implement searchView to search data from API
2. can see detail data from list that already search
3. Using Tab Layout and ViewPager as navigation from List Follower page and following

Submission 3 - Add CRUD from database and DataStore

Here we need to fill this submission criteria :
1. Can add and delete user from favorite list
2. have page that show list favorite ,
3. And show detail page from list favorite